Treatments Offered

Interventional Pain

Interventional PainSymptoms of acute or chronic pain can have a tremendous impact on quality of life. Treatment of pain can be complex and requires detailed understanding of your history, complete musculoskeletal evaluation, and review of pertinent imaging. Our philosophy involves providing high-quality, tailored care while bringing evidence-based and cutting-edge treatments to our patients and providing resources in a multi-disciplinary approach to improve overall physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

  • Botox Injections for Chronic Migraines
  • Celiac Plexus Diagnostic Nerve Block and Neurolysis
  • Coccygeal Diagnostic Nerve Block and Neurolysis
  • Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Stimulation – Trial and Implant
  • Epidural (Interlaminar or Transforaminal) Steroid Injection – Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Caudal
  • Facet Joint Intra-Articular Injections – Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar
  • Facet Medial Branches Diagnostic Blocks – Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar
  • Ganglion Impar Diagnostic Nerve Block and Neurolysis
  • Genicular Nerve Blocks and Radiofrequency
  • Intercostal Nerve Block
  • Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric Nerves Blocks
  • Joint (Shoulder, Hip, Knee) and Soft-Tissue injections under Ultrasound Guidance
  • Kyphoplasty / Vertebroplasty
  • Intrathecal Drug Delivery – Trial and Implant
  • Intravenous Infusion Therapy
  • Lumbar Sympathetic block
  • Occipital Nerve Block and Radiofrequency
  • Peripheral Nerve Block under Ultrasound Guidance
  • Peripheral Nerve Stimulation – Trial and Implant
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
  • Regenerative Medicine
  • Sacroiliac Joint Injections and Radiofrequency
  • Spinal Cord (Dorsal Column Traditional and HF10) Stimulation – Trial and Implant
  • Superior Hypogastric Plexus Diagnostic Nerve Block and Neurolysis
  • Stellate Ganglion Block
  • Trigeminal Ganglion Block
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Ultrasound-Guided Procedures
  • Viscous Supplementation
  • Regenerative and Restorative Medicine Treatments

For more information about interventional pain treatments, or to arrange for a consultation, please contact us.

Regenerative and Restorative Medicine

Regenerative and Restorative MedicinePlatelet-rich plasma (PRP) and most stem cell therapeutic treatments are outpatient procedures that use a patient’s own blood and cells. Such treatments are safe, non-surgical procedures that stimulate healing and treat a broad range of acute and chronic pain conditions.


  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy has been shown in several studies to effectively treat pain and stimulate healing in the body. PRP is a concentrated form of your own blood that contains platelets, proteins, stem cells, and growth factors that promote healing and regeneration of injured or painful areas.
  • If you are a good candidate for this procedure, a small amount of your own blood is used to create the PRP used for your therapy. The procedure includes injecting this high dose of platelets, concentrated from your own blood, into areas affected by pain. This is a safe and natural way for your body to accelerate the healing process, rather than blocking or masking your pain.


  • Stem Cell Therapy help the body jump start the healing process. Stem cells are the body’s master cells that have the ability to transform into a variety of different cells and replace dying cells. For this reason, stem cell therapy offers the potential to rebuild damaged tissue, muscles, tendons or ligaments.
  • If stem cell treatment is right for your condition, cells are obtained from either your own tissue or a purified amniotic source. These concentrated stem cells are then injected into your damaged tendon or joint to help.

Although your own response will depend on your particular condition, patients generally see improvement in pain and mobility within 4 to 6 weeks. Improvement may continue for up to 12 months.

For more information about regenerative and restorative medicine treatments, or to arrange for a consultation, please contact us.

Cosmetic and Aesthetic Medicine

Cosmetic and Aesthetic MedicineGoals of regenerative and restorative aesthetic medicine and injectable-based cosmetic treatments would include:

  • Rejuvenation of the face by reducing and improving the effects of aging.
  • Enhance of facial features to achieve your personal perception of beauty.


  • Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin) Treatments designed to temporarily treat and improve the appearance of moderate to severe fine lines and wrinkles associated with repeated facial muscle activity and expressions.
  • Dermal Fillers are treatments designed to provide volume replacement and appropriate left to fill and smooth facial wrinkles and folds.


  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) with Micro-Needling Treatments involves using a concentrated form of your own blood that contains platelets, proteins, stem cells, and growth factors that promote your body’s own natural healing and regeneration of aging-related changes in the face, hands, neck, and hair follicles.
  • Such treatments may help address the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, moderate skin laxity, large pores, acne scars, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, and hair regrowth by reactivating inactive hair follicles and triggering new hair growth.
  • Such treatments may provide a potential alternative to synthetic fillers to lift, tighten, and volumize the skin.

Note individual results may vary secondary to different conditions of the skin and personalized treatment plans. Each treatment outcome may vary by patient in terms of overall outcomes and duration or length of results.

For more information about cosmetic and regenerative medicine aesthetic treatments, or to arrange for a consultation, please contact us.

Venous Medicine

Venous MedicineMinimally invasive treatments for venous reflux conditions can be performed in the outpatient setting and are often covered by insurance.  Medical treatment for venous insufficiency are safe, non-surgical procedures that can include:

  • Conservative therapy with leg elevation and compression stockings to reduce leg swelling and prevent blood from pooling.
  • Sclerotherapy treatment for spider and varicose veins with a salt (saline) or chemical-based solution.
  • Thermal ablation treatment with lasers or radiofrequency energy to treat superficial vein conditions with delivery of heat.
  • Non-thermal, non-tumescent, and non-sclerosant closure treatment that involves endovenous delivery of a medical adhesive.
  • Phlebectomy that is a surgical procedure to remove varicose veins through small incisions with special tools.

Note individual results may vary secondary to different venous reflux conditions and treatment plans.  Each treatment outcome may vary by patient in terms of overall outcomes and duration or length of results.

For more information about venous medicine treatments, or to arrange for a consultation, please contact us.

  • I have seen a number of medical and surgical specialists over the past ten years and Dr. Huang-Lionnet’s attention to detail, technical skills, patience and understanding far surpass that of other physicians. She truly takes her time to listen to my medical history and needs and asks thorough questions while providing her medical expertise along the way. Her treatment plans have achieved the best results BY FAR. I highly recommend Dr. Huang-Lionnet - she is absolutely a wonderful physician.

    Joanna P
  • My confidence in pursuing pain management treatment was bolstered by the depth and breadth of Dr. Huang-Lionnet’s expertise and the translation of this into her clinical work. A deep understanding of and contribution to the research ensure her practice is resolutely grounded in the most current procedures. An analytical diagnosis, systematic planning, responsiveness to patient feedback, and unwavering kindness are hallmarks of Dr. Huang Lionnet’s patient care. Truly a remarkable physician.

  • Dr. Julie Huang is the Miracle Worker at Greenwich Hospital's Pain Management Center. Last year, she made my wife, Barbara's, long troubling back pain, to now be pain-free, and normal again. And now, Dr. Huang is making Barbara's troubling right knee, also pain-free. Dr. Huang, and her very professional and very welcoming staff, create the pain-free miracle and experience, you are looking for.

  • I was referred to Dr. Huang after the physician administering trigger point injections for over three years was unable to control my pain. Since day one, Dr. Huang has been professional and courteous and always concerned about how the procedures she provides are helping control my pain. I have always felt Dr. Huang is totally committed to helping and caring for her patients. I would never consider another pain management doctor and always tell friends, family, and acquaintances about her.

  • Dr Huang is a fabulous pain management specialist-She listens, understands your issues, and develops a successful plan of treatment! I am very fortunate to be under her care!!

    Michael B
  • I was privileged to work with Dr Huang in New York and have not found a better practitioner. In an industry where revenue and numbers are at the forefront, Dr Huang maintains superior principles by PUTTING PATIENTS FIRST! Of the countless times, my most treasured is Dr Huang taking the time to defy the odds against a patient, who was told she had months to live. The patient seemed to have lost all hope. Dr Huang's perseverance, dedication, high quality care gave them a second chance. Thank you!

    Jacqueline F
  • I have had 4 spinal fusions and they have left me with back pain caused mainly because of scar tissue. Dr Huang has been doing nerve ablations to try to relieve the pain. We have not finished the treatment, but so far, I am finally getting some pain relief.

    Carolyn V
  • The care and concern by Dr. Huang is outstanding. Her medical and office staff are probably the best I have dealt with.

    Vincent V
  • We went to Dr. Huang when the cancer pain of my sister became unbearable during her second round of chemotherapy. From the beginning, Dr. Huang was attentive and listened to my sister's needs and my observations on how she was feeling and handling the pain. She was thorough with her explanations of the various pain medications and procedures available and always included my sister and me in the decision making in managing her pain. She definitely placed her patients first. Staff was great.

    Cindy H
  • I've had such a positive experience with Dr. Huang! She's professional, knowledgeable, but most importantly, listens. Dr. Huang addressed my pain individually, instead of a one size fits all approach. I am so grateful I was referred to her practice!

  • Dr. Julie Huang is so excellent in her quality of pain management treatments as well her lovely and opportune attention she provide to all her patients. I was so thankful of been treated by her. May God always bless her.

    Dr. Marlon
  • Dr. Huang has been treating my husband for chronic back pain for some time now, and a more caring and capable physician you would be hard-pressed to find. She has been persistent and very helpful with his complicated back issues, and frankly, I do not know what we would have done without her able assistance.

    L. Hackstaff
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